Academic Manager presents the terms of the agreement to the foreign partner institution and the UF Department Chair and College Dean.
Upon approval from the partner institution, the Academic Manager provides to UFIC the contact information for UF, the host institution and signatory names and titles for UFIC to prepare the final agreement for signature.
Academic Manager completes Letter of Approval and submits to Department Chair and College Dean for signing.
Academic Manager sends the following to UFIC prior to agreements being signed by either party:
Signed Letter of Approval
Outline of proposed activities that are supposed to be carried out under this agreement
Translation of the agreement into the language of the partner institution (if applicable)
Notarized Affidavit of Translation (if applicable)
UFIC Dean signs the agreement on behalf of UF President. Two copies of the agreement are signed so that each institution may have an original on file.
UFIC sends agreement to partner institution. The documents are sent via courier for maximum speed and security.
Partner Institution's Procedure: the partner institution signs both original copies of the agreement, returns one to UFIC, and retains one for its files.
UFIC stores legal original of the agreement for UF reference and includes it on UFIC website listing.
Directions for Completing Other Types of Agreements
Academic Manager negotiates the terms of the agreement with the partner institution and with UF department and college officials.
Academic Manager drafts the proposed agreement. The pre-approved formats may be used as a model for wording and format.
Academic Manager sends the following to UFIC prior to agreements being signed by either party in both electronic and hard copy:
Agreement in English and in the partner institution's native language if applicable
Notarized Affidavit of Translation if applicable (hard copy only)
Completed Attachment A
Signed Letter of Approval (hard copy only)
UFIC will seek General Counsel's approval of the agreement. If changes are necessary for approval, UFIC will coordinate with the UF faculty and the partner institution to assure that the modifications are acceptable to all parties.
Once approved by General Counsel, UFIC will proceed with final signature process (see above).